I was honored to participate in a special podcast episode on Sports History Network. The occasion is the 98th anniversary of a game between the visiting Dayton Triangles and the Chicago Cardinals played at Chicago’s Comiskey Park on November 9, 1924.
Triangles on the Discover Dayton Podcast
I’m very proud to have been the first ever guest on Arch Grieve’s new “Discover Dayton” podcast. We talked about the origin of the team, some of the players and personalities. We also talked a bit about how the Triangles of old are related to the modern Indianapolis Colts.
Here’s the link for the Discover Dayton podcast: https://www.discoverdaytonpodcast.com/e/episode-1-the-dayton-triangles-with-bruce-smith/. While you’re here, check out the full history of the Dayton Triangles by clicking on the Listen link.
Now on Sports History Network!

“Triangles” is now part of Sports History Network, joining a roster of dozens of podcasts covering the histories of multiple sports. Episodes of the podcast are now available via Captivate, and I’ve updated the individual episode pages to point to the Captivate episodes. Those still interested in the podcast episodes on YouTube can get them here. Over the next couple of days, I’ll probably work on making this site more easy to use. Don’t forget that there’s content available here that isn’t in the podcast, so please check it out for a deeper dive into the Triangles.
“Triangles” Joining Sports History Network

I’m pleased to announce that “Triangles” will be available to stream soon through the Sports History Network (SHN).
I recently had a chance to talk about the Triangles with Darin Hayes on the Pigskin Dispatch podcast. We spoke about how the Triangles and their members impacted football history.